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Saturday, June 2, 2012

pastor wants to kill gays?

i just watched a   video. it was about a pastor who wants to kill all gay people. his name is denis leatherman. to say the man is crazy is a understatement. the guys so nutty people with peanut allergies have to stay away from him.  as i was watching the video as well the the video about the pastor who wanted to put all gays behind electic fences i couldnt help but wounder what goes threw the minds of people who say this? i mean even if you agree with what he said,you must realize no one would ever go out actually do it. no country in the world unless its soem third wolrd whole would ever passs somethign like that as a law. i mean do these types of people actually think there goign to win? i mena really,these anti gay people migth as well through in the towel.

1 comment:

  1. I love the line "the guys so nutty people with peanut allergies have to stay away from him". So true.
