did you knwo gay marriage leads to sex with animals? you probley didnt know because its not true. bryan Fischer is yet again being a ass to gays. he seems to think if we let gays marry,then we cant stop,gotta go the whole 9 yards and let anyone marry or let anyone have with with anyone,sex with animals,kids etc. i dont even know what to say to something like that. he doesnt even provide any evidence,any facts. he just states it as if its the truth. its not the first time i have heard someone make this claim. but i never really go tit. how is gay marriage gonna led to sex with kids,or animals? i mean if you are going to say such immoral thigns abotu gays,coudlnt you at least make a decent argument for it? out of every country that has made gay marriage legal,not a singal one has made sex wiht kids legal,sex with animals legal. not one,period. But lets be honest here,we know why hes aganist gay marriage,because the bible says so. then he trys to come up with ways to make gays look evil because he knows most people wont buy into the homophobic shit the bible says.
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Thursday, June 28, 2012
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Liberals Have Been Duped By Satan
bryan fischer made a video on right wing watch and youtube,about how he thinks liberals are duped my the devil. lol.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Homosexuals Should Be Put to Death
get ready for a overdose of stupid .Salvation Army Major Andrew Craibe believes gays and lesbians should be put to death. believes gays and lesbians should be put to death. i already had my daily intake of stupid today after watching a ray william johnson video,now it seems i may overdose. i can honestly say i did not know until now that the salvation army was such a religious thing. "Salvation Story: Salvationist Handbook of Doctrine," is a manual published by the salavation army headquarters which cites the bible's condemnation of gays. of course some people will try and distence themselves from major asshole andrew craibe. theres probley gonna be a whole load of people who work for the salavation army that will try and mak eit look like they are aganist what he said. the salavation army has in the past tried to get governments worldwide to follow there anti-gay policies like trying to make gay sex illegal. these are all things i just learned today. i didnt know they are like that. well good to know. maybe we should sned the salvation army in iraq or something. watch them get bombed. man there is so much anti gay stuff going on in the news latley. the second obama said hes ok with gay marriage,lots of people just went nuts. anyway heres a link to huffington post about this story .
Monday, June 25, 2012
facebook is helping people stalk you
Facebook has a new feature designed to help people see which Facebook users are near you.
its called "Find Friends Nearby," its distrubing to say the least. its a mobile app. when Orwell wrote "1984" he thought the government would use technology to watch your every move. turns out he was right. to be honest. i think its a matter of time before faceboo goes away like myspace. these types of sites never last. but i guess its better then twitter.
grey knights
some grey knights i painted for warhammer. not that great looking. im not to good at painting. but i hope i will get better.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
best country for women
i was looking at a study, whioch i will link here. it shows G20 countries that are best for women to live in. canada is the best,india is the worst. i am surprised that saudi ariba is above india and mexico. i would have thought it would be last. from what i now Saudi Arabia’s wealth allows better healthcare for women and better schools. i am shocked canada is first. i mean sure they dont go around beating ladies in the streets,but i live in canada and i dont really see whats so great about the way we treat them. im shocked that america is number 6. half the time when i turn on tv america channels have women who are barley over 18 running around half naked. whne brittany spears was underage she was treated like a sex object all over tv. i would like to see how america ranks up on the list of best countries for black people to live in.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Trayvon threatened my life
George Zimmerman claims that trayvon martin said You're going to die tonight." now he is claiming he acted in self defence aganist trayvon. oh boy. he acted in self defence aganist a guy he was following? george shot trayvon even afte rhe begged for his life. oh yes george we all know your the victum. give me a break. its really amazing what kind of bullshit some people will come up with. george,you followed him,so even if he did threaten you,the fact is you where pretty much stalking him. if he felt threatend what did you expect trayvon to do?
George Zimmerman claims that trayvon martin said You're going to die tonight." now he is claiming he acted in self defence aganist trayvon. oh boy. he acted in self defence aganist a guy he was following? george shot trayvon even afte rhe begged for his life. oh yes george we all know your the victum. give me a break. its really amazing what kind of bullshit some people will come up with. george,you followed him,so even if he did threaten you,the fact is you where pretty much stalking him. if he felt threatend what did you expect trayvon to do?
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Gay Adoption is a Form of Sexual Abuse
oh boy,i could go on for hours how wrong htis video is. does he actually think anyone is going to take this seriously? who listens to this freak? i just wish these anti gay people would just come out and say what they really think. they are aganist gays because they think god is aganist gays. its not because they think there harmful,or gays are evil or that they turn other people gay. no,there aganist them because god is aganist them,but they know most people dont agree with that. so they have to make up some sort of non sense, and fake studies etc to make it look at if gays are evil so they cna get others on there side.
and im sure this nut job has lots of facts to back up his case. whats that? he didnt give proof? just insults and non sense to justify his hatred for gay.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
to many creationists
46% of americans believe in creationism. im from canada,but this still depresses me.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Pastor Supports Gay Marriage
Pastor Frederick Haynes III has come out to support gay marriage rights after obamas speech where he came out in favor of it. i felt it nesscery to bring this up since i did give alot of crap to another pastor. this guy is pretty awesome. CAN I GET A AMEN. also heres a interesting thing. hes from texas. which really makes me happy cause im so use to pastors saying crap latley about gays. and im so use to seeing people from texas being bananas. its nice to see one with his head on straight. the sad thing is,im sure theres going to be some other pastors or something that give frederick haynes crap for his support. the people at fox news are planning something evil after this.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
MrRepzion. a youtube user made a video a while ago about dating. before i saw this video my views on him where kind of sos so. He seemed nice enough. his videos where pretty good. they werent mind blowing or anything,but worth subscribeing to. However after watchin the video,i realized soemhting i never really thougth abotu before. This guy is pretty much a few steps away from being a fundie nuts job. so he doesnt want to date someone who isnt a part of his religion? Well the idea of him beign a jerk comes to mind. But im also upset about what he said in another video that was responding to his,which i will link here.
heres what he said
."you cannot give a woman your full devotion unless God is first. That's what you're not understanding. In Christian theology, when you put God first, you are able to love your wife more than you could on your own strength without God.."
So not only wont he date non christians. He thinks christians love there wife or husband more then a non christian could love there wife or husband. So yeah,if you not a christan,i guess you dont love your girlfriend that much. what a jerk. The problem with christians who want to date others christians is that these type of people love god more then anyone else,even there wife or husband. this idea that god should come first in a relationship is stupid. i dont know how you can be in a relationship with someone who would probley dump your ass if god asked them to. I hope this guy loses alot of subscribers for this.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
pastor wants to kill gays?
i just watched a TheYoungTurks video. it was about a pastor who wants to kill all gay people. his name is denis leatherman. to say the man is crazy is a understatement. the guys so nutty people with peanut allergies have to stay away from him. as i was watching the video as well the the video about the pastor who wanted to put all gays behind electic fences i couldnt help but wounder what goes threw the minds of people who say this? i mean even if you agree with what he said,you must realize no one would ever go out actually do it. no country in the world unless its soem third wolrd whole would ever passs somethign like that as a law. i mean do these types of people actually think there goign to win? i mena really,these anti gay people migth as well through in the towel.
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